Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 37 (or 43)

Make something with a stapler. You can staple things together or, heck, just work with the loose staples. Even the stapler itself can be transformed.

Um, I’m a little behind. I’m not sure what day I am actually supposed to be on, it may be day 43, but I can’t be for certain.

I went on vacation. Stuck my toes in the sand. Devoured sea creatures like I was a starving kid from Japan. Got some sun on my skin (and freckles on my cheeks). Overindulged. Precisely everything the doctor ordered. Oh, and I celebrated my 25th birthday by falling on my ass trying to skim board. I am not sixteen anymore and my body can feel it.

Anyhow, I did not think about staplers or this blog for that point (except for once and it went like this: “Holy shit I haven’t posted in forever, I wonder if my fan base, aka. All 3 of you, are hating me now. Hmmm, probably . . . not. OMG, I’m out of beer, much bigger problem.”) I did ironically think about work a lot, which is about as dull as a stapler. For an industry like tourism, you’d be surprised at how frackin bor-ring working a 8-5 day can be. Good god, I need to be an event planner or do something that actually requires a brain (or a college degree).

But then again if I changed jobs I wouldn’t be able to ramble on daily about my efforts to take over the world or at least live in unison with it. And, that giant ongoing game of scrabble I just started, what would happen with that? Loss by forfeit, I think not.

So, I keep staring at my stapler.

This is what I have for you today:

My job is like a stapler as:
a. Zebras are to pencils
b. Pineapples are to kites
c. Genghis Kahn is to feud
d. Spots are to ladybugs

P.S. I love this song.

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