Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hypnotizing dreams about future endeavors and nightime busyness.

The crickets outside hum in unison announcing the night. Their song seems to play on indefinitely as their constant chirp mesmerizes everyone, but me. I can't find the beat. Voices from surrounding neighbors begin to hush, and even firecrackers are silent tonight. Are we having a silent night in awareness of something? I feel out of the loop. If only their song would sing me to sleep.

My eyes focus past smudges and fingerprints on the lenses of my glasses and on the images of the computer screen instead. My teeth grind voluntarily and my legs tap the smooth wooden floor at intervals out of tune and unrelated to the melody of the orchestra outside my window. I am waiting for the caffeine to wear off. I am waiting for the cricket's song to hypnotize me into sleep and hopefully into dreamland.

I am partially glad I am awake. Though, I know tomorrow I will drag, as my alarm buzzes me awake with the sun and I push my body, stiff and lethargic from my sleeping cocoon. I have much to do. Tonight I have only crossed one thing off my list, a small accomplishment, but a least I have succeeded in that.

Tonight, I hope I dream about my new life, my job, my apartment, my future. It's okay if it's a scary dream or if it's nostalgic. I can handle either. I just hope for insight, thought, plexplextion. Any type of inclination will do.

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