Tuesday, June 12, 2012


As the days get longer and hotter, the nights get muggier, the winds change direction and blow instead from the west rather than Nor’east, with it comes the warm air and flies and the sense of prolongment. I turn 26. I feel no longer full of youthful bewilderment. Hangovers seem worse and tequila is still my number one enemy. Running seems harder, but more of a routine than a fun activity should there be the time. Nights full of sleep seem rare and afternoon naps more of a requirement. But dreams, the ones that appear as tiny little flickering fairytales gleam brighter. I can only hope by the time I am thirty they will shine like spotlights on the Appalachian horizon. But until then, I endure the long days and the short nights and the heat of reality reddening my face. And most of the time I think, it’s worth the journey.

My dreams for the future make everything worth my journey. What makes your journey worth it? 


  1. This about sums it up: http://thoughtcatalog.com/2012/7-reasons-we-feel-so-old/

  2. So beautifully written.


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