Friday, June 22, 2012

Floating Cabins and Five Year Plans

I imagine the wide blue sky of the Blue Ridge stretched like a canvas above. The green mountain peaks though large in size seem like ant hills, unthreatening. The only thing between the crisp clear water of the Watauga and me is the floor beneath my bare feet.

It is dawn as the sun has just peaked its head above the horizon, wake up sleepyhead. I am already in my suit and in seconds, I leap delicate and strong. With very little splash I have started my daily routine, a swim in the cold lake. Better than yoga, sex or coffee to wake my achy, aging soul. My head pops out of the water interrupting the reflection of the sky. Half day, half is still night.

This is the only place that I feel free. 

I have a five year plan, do you think this is where I will be?

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