Friday, November 2, 2012

Becoming a Digital Nomad + another Halloween photo

I think one of the best things about having a blog is the ability to share whenever, whatever and WHEREEVER. This blog has really evolved since I first started typing away almost 2 years ago. Evolving from a place to share my thoughts and confessions about scary after college life to a lifestyle blog where I dream about what is and what isn’t and I share my confessions about scary after college life (okay maybe things haven't really changed).

Keep reading and you'll get to see how Adam and I spent our Halloween.

I have come to realize thru this blog and my daily ramblings that I have a huge issue with living in society and I fuel myself by creating dreams of adventure and simplicity even if a huge part of me thinks they will never come to fruition. I dream them as a drug to keep myself stable. This week I am dreaming about location independence. I am not a technological geek, but am inspired by the idea of working and living from anywhere. The closest I have gotten to achieving this is working in the travel and tourism industry in cool places like the Outer Banks, Raleigh, and Boone. My job alows me to be a visitor in my own city and to share my city with other visitors. Pretty awesome! But, my desires to be location independent is driven more by my desire to be in the Applachian Mountains living like a nomad. So maybe I am not interested in being a digital nomad at all, but rather am interested in a lifestyle devoid of restrictions.

I am trying to work all of these things out because one day I won't be here dreaming of living elsewhere and of doing other things, but instead I'll be doing them. Sounds simple enough.

Here's the Halloween photo I promised you. Adam and I drank pumpkin beer and watched scary movies for our Halloween. This beer was awesome and bright orangish-red in color. The photo doesn't do it justice.

What I've been into lately:
The News according to Adventure Journal, November 1st, particularly the Sugar Mountain part
The most awesomost fall playlist: Daydreamers Delight
Having my Performance Review at work and this is all I can think about.

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