Monday, August 6, 2012

Sunday Funday

Adam and I call Sunday Funday because it's the only day of the week that both of us get off.

We normally spend the day being lazy with Lola, until neither one of us can stand it anymore. We often venture into the world because we're hungry and need food or groceries for the upcoming week. This Sunday Funday we ventured a little farther from home over the Oregon Inlet bridge, farther South than Adam has ever been and to the New Inlet where we got our lines a little wet, though we found more salad than seafood for dinner. 

Does anyone know what type of fish that is? 

Plus a videos of the critters we found!

Wondering what the noise is? We're standing underneath a bridge and the wind is whipping like crazy.


  1. Did the fish have teeth? If so, it could be a baby barracuda.

    1. Teeth, Yes! Is this what a barracuda looks like? And are they found on the Outer Banks??

  2. It's hard to tell because it's so small but it does look like a barracuda. And yes, they are found on the Outer Banks.

  3. Cray, Cray! I'll have to search through and see if I have a better image of the teeth. I want to say it had to super spiky ones on the bottom jaw, but then again that could be my imagination running wild.


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