Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Do our titles and our jobs define us?

I recently heard someone say in regards to unemployment, joblessness, deficit, recession and all the other worldly problems as of late, that we [humans, Americans, etc] are defined by our titles and jobs. She thought of this positively and expressed this definition as a need, therefore this is why unemployment is such a devastating situation.

But is this statement really true? Let’s take my blog title for example: Confessions of a College Graduate. Does anyone really care that I graduated from ASU? Does graduation from university really make me entitled or even knowledgeable to speak on any means? Is a college graduate who I am as a person? Is that what really defines my lifestyle, my way of thinking, what I eat, wear, drink? Does anyone even care?

I find this statement to be a false positive. Meaning:

1. In medicine or science: an erroneous test result: the result of a medical, chemical or biological test that appears to be positive but is in fact erroneous;
2. Incorrect profile match: a situation in which data about a person produces an incorrect match against a checklist, e.g. when a passenger profile is matched against a list of suspected terrorists;

Or when someone assumes a fact based on my blog title, job title or career.

Does it really matter if you go to school, spend endless amounts of cash to get an education, study things like philosophy, English and romantics, and get a fancy sheet of paper called a diploma? You still won’t be able to get a job, do what you love, live easy, speak your mind, protest wrong doing. Paper still burns when torched. Lives remain the same after university. Don’t assume anything based on the title of this blog. I’m just another person searching to be heard. Read on . . . .

1 comment:

  1. Does anyone care you graduated from ASU? - Well you parents care you graduated from college; I think its cool you graduated from ASU because I like Boone. Other than that I would say people don't care you graduated from college in general (except employers)

    Does graduation make you entitled to speak on any means - No, it might make you slightly more able to detect bullshit coming from someone else's mouth though.

    Is a college graduate who you are as a person? I don't know, you have a large group of friends from college who probably influenced everything from the music you listen to to environmental issues.

    You seem to understandably dismiss your degree ( I just watched Good Will Hunting)and I think that life experiences make the man (or woman) more so than college. However, you do don't seem to value what you have. Do you think you would have your current job without a degree, or do you think you would have an interview next week without your degree? There are some very smart and passionate people without degrees, are you one of them? Personally I think you have enough drive and imagination to make it without putting that college degree on your resume, I dare you to try.

    However, one day your might find what you really want to do in life and find yourself furthering your education, in college.



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