I’m a sucker for sales, coupons, discounts, happy hours, and anything that will save me a buck. So, of-course I couldn’t stay away from Borders going-out-of-business sale and I crept in there one time a few months ago on the search for some cheap book store chairs or espresso crafts.
Just kidding.
Really, I had just finished my journal and thought for sure I would be able to find a sequel, be it hideous or not. But I didn’t find any of those. The Cary Borders location had been picked thin by people like me, spending money on nonessential items just to feel good about saving a buck. So, I spent 8 bucks on a 15 dollar regularly priced creativity journal that I would have never purchased had it not been on sale.
But wait, this isn’t how I wanted this blog post to go. Errg, the older I get the more easily frustrated I get by money. Does anyone want to go back to a barter system?
Let’s try this again. So, when I couldn’t find any writing journals or even cool coffee accessories, I ventured my way over to the crafts section. (By the way, I had left the store at this point declaring it a total bust, only to walk right back in and give it another go round. I was committed to spending some hard earned cash. I must have just gotten paid.) There were some pretty cool books in the craft section and probably would have bought almost all of them if some rude employee hadn’t decided that the area right in front of me was the area he need to straighten. And pronto. I mean, I understand you are losing your job and everything, but come on, that doesn’t excuse your jackass tendencies.
Anyways, back to the journal. I purchased Noah Scalin’s, from skulladay.com, 365 Daily Creativity Journal, in which he urges you to do something creative everyday for 365 days. His journal provides you with a prompt for each day and the only rule is, there are no rules! Now this is something, I can do.
I was really excited about the journal the first few days I had it. It slipped easily into my duffel bag of a purse and so I carried it around with me everywhere I went and pulled it out to read the prompts and excite my creativity. But yet, I never put pen to paper. I just kept waiting for a good time to start this year long project, because by god if I start it, I’ll finish it. So, I never started it.
The journal got pushed to the bottom of my purse and I lugged around an extra few pounds for the past few months waiting for the creativity to hit me. And it did. It whopped me in the ass every time I got in my car. It burned in my legs as I climbed the stairs. It even dug in my shoulder as it hung at my side. And today, It peeked it’s head out of my bag as I pulled it out and flipped back through it. Then I got it, why not use the prompts in Scalin’s Creativity Journal as writing prompts?? (I know I’m brilliant.) Only for now, I’m setting a realistic goal (Start small, grow to be big.).
Here are my rules:
Once a day, five days a week, Monday – Friday: WRITE. (Sorry, I always get the weekends and state holidays off. It’s called government employee.)
Use 1 -100 of Scalin’s prompts as inspiration. (Sorry, I am only committing to 100 creativity acts, for now.)
Sounds simple, right.
Look for the project to be coming to blogs near you soon. jk. Just keep checking back in here.
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