Most of the time I'm just on this here blog rambling about my day to day life. I try to make it relevant, like when I talk about
worldly issues. Or I try to make you all jealous, like when I post about the
Outer Banks,
complete with beautiful beach pictures. I try to be inspiring by posting
DIY tutorials. But most of the time I post things like
this, not very relevant unless you have a shoe fetish like moi or your really interested in helping me buy new shoes. This post is a little different.
(Keep reading there are pretty pictures at the end and they won't make sense unless you read each and every word!)
Some of you while poking around may have notices I have another, err, I don't want to call it blog because I've never written a single post, but regardless that is its intent. It's called Danasaur Designs, a name I use when speaking of my art as a whole.
You might be surprised. I'm not just into DIY's, terrible sewing refashions, and trying my hand at photography, but I'm also an artist!
For a long time I didn't consider myself an artist. I came to loath the word , shun it when used in context with any of my work, and eventually stopped creating art in general. I think this is initially where Danasaur Designs was born as a way to describe myself without the long feared term artist.
I came to hate this term in college as I found myself in and out of so many majors. My sophomore year alone I seriously persued 8 different majors, even if only for one week. I favored the liberal arts like creative writing and art, while pressure came for me to pursue a career or at least a major that would lead to a career.
When I had finally decided on something I thought could satisfy both, I applied to my university's art college, took the courses to start my major and wasted a semester living a dream that would never come true. It was during my first summer away from home when this all happened. My life changed in an instance as I read a simple one page letter from the post. I found out that indeed I was not accepted to the art school. Except this was interpreted as "you will never be a real artist". And so I came to hate the word artist. Despise it with ever ounce of me. This was the first time I had ever experienced a dream bring stripped away so insensitively. A three sentence at the most letter. I told few people. I cried in the arms of my boyfriend at the time. He comforted me the only way he knew how. By saying "I think people are beautiful when they cry", then trying to get in my pants. I went onto my next major, and the next. I eventually realized that being an artist wasn't about a piece of paper saying I went to art school or even a diploma, but about what you see here. And with that I share with you some pieces from my collection.
P.S. I apologize for the quality of these. After all, it is just a phone.
These are all pieces I have done in the past, many of them, including the Beatles above, were painted prior to my dream destruction in college. Recently, I have picked back up the brush. Blame it on a spurt of inspiration or mere craziness (Or my grandma pestering me to paint her a picture, which is probably the real reason.), but I have started to paint again. I blame that for the inspiration behind this post. And I hope to share with you some of my new works of art very, very soon!