First off, I learned the whole reclaimed idea, which lead me into
my closet, where I pulled out everything that I barely wear and refashioned
them into awesome pieces of clothing. Some of which I rarely take off because I
love so much. See my recent post
here. My little beach cottage feels like it is
shrinking by the minute. I should have probably just taken all those clothes to
the goodwill to let someone else reclaim them, but I have a hoarding issue, we
all know that. Oh well, the house will keep shrinking.
I’ve moved on to the outside of the home. And while I hate to pour
my money and time into my rental yard, I can’t help but try and beautify it. I don't have a picture of my backyard at this moment so let me try and describe it to you:
The substrate consist of quartz rock and other particles
worn to a fine grit called sand, continuous exfoliation for the feet. A variety
of different species of plants have begun to take shape in the wilderness and
jungle of my backyard, but there are two strong diligent species that rule the
terrain. Both with thorns. Sharp strong, but delicate, these thorns whose vines
creep centimeters beneath the sand waiting like acupuncture needles to strike,
only with a vengeance. One with a beautiful red pitcher shaped flower. The
other bears a fruit, black and sweet and loved by birds and humans alike. Only
one strong enough to survive an acid rain of bleach and chemicals. But both flourish.
Woven within the constraints of the ruling species are the weeds plentiful and
strong. Each day they grow inches and inches closer to sky. Like the tower of
Babel, I wait for them to be broken down. Within all of this, you can find the
ever plentiful sand spur. Stuck in everything they wiggle their way from the
outdoors in. A landmine in the night. Preying on the darkness. Waiting for you
to step down directly on one of several sharp thorns. A reminder of why life in
general sucks? Or just a little fuck you from the universe? You decide, while I
dig this thorn from my heal. - - The backyard from hell.
It still appalls me that my landlords think this yard is
landscaped. Seriously ya’ll?
My second recent inspiration has grown from the word homesteading.
It’s always words with me. Words pieced together to form quotes and ideas. I
find myself moved by the simplicity of words, how one word like love or hate or
peace or retreat can mean so much. More on this later. . .
I wasn’t really sure what homesteading was, so I looked it up on Wikipedia.
Simply stated,
"Homesteading is a lifestyle of simple self-sufficiency.”
this quote written for me? About me? Simple self-sufficiency is the one thing
that I consistently strive for. I mean I’m in the process of making my own
laundry detergent, if only I can find the A&H washing soda, the final ingredient.
I have tomatoes, and green beans, and herbs, and peppers and a pumpkin growing
in my sandcastle and jungle of a backyard. I collect rainwater to water the plants, fill
the aquariums, flush the toilets (yes, I’ve done this). I pay money to have
recycling provided to me and my neighbor, why – because I think it’s more
important to recycle than to have the money. This is who I am. I am
homesteading. I live, breathe, eat homesteading, and I didn’t even know it.
I will
continue to share with you my simple self-sufficiency and homesteading ideas and projects. I
hope you enjoy them and I hope they will inspire you!